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Front Seat Navigator!

Updated: Jun 10, 2023

Front Seat Navigator

Recently I emotionally watched as one granddaughter graduated kindergarten and the other elementary school. Wait a minute. Wasn’t it just a short time ago that I watched their mothers do the same thing?

Time truly does fly. Not like a butterfly floating carelessly along in the wind, but like a meteor blazing across the night sky! If you aren’t watching for it, you just might miss it. Time is the passage of minutes into days into years. You can’t stop it. You can’t even slow it down. So while time continues its journey into infinity, with you as its front seat navigator, you might as well enjoy the ride! Make it a memorable one!

Include children on your trip, either your own or those of others. Read books to them. Teach them to appreciate the wonders of God’s world. Help them to create beautiful things and spread kindness. Allow them to grow and think and explore. And love them unconditionally.

Spend time with family and friends along the way. New ones, old ones, seasonal ones. Laugh with them until your side hurts! Cry with them when their hearts hurt. Share a meal. Take a trip. Make a difference.

Allow time for those older and wiser than you. They have already been where you are headed. Hold their hand. Listen to them. You just may learn what is important and what really isn’t worth the drama. They may be a little slower than you but can teach you a lot of patience.

So how can you guarantee not to miss every aspect of this worthwhile adventure? The answer is simple . . . don’t blink.

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